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  • 主演:文森特·普莱斯,朱迪思·伊夫林,菲利普·柯立芝,达里尔·希克曼,帕梅拉·林肯
  • 导演:威廉·卡斯尔
  • 类型:科幻片
  • 年代: 1959
  • 地区: 美国
  • 简介:

    该片于1959上映,由威廉·卡斯尔导演,文森特·普莱斯,朱迪思·伊夫林,菲利普·柯立芝,达里尔·希克曼,帕梅拉·林肯等主演,主要讲述的是A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the ho,喜欢就分享此链接http://www.hiqifu.com/vod-detail-id-185085.html或者搜索豆瓣影院给你们的小伙伴吧 A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.展开全部↓ 收起全部↑